Symptom Checker App
The right care at the right time
GA4 Analytics (Google Analytics)
Our apps support GA4 Analytics (Google Analytics). Clients decide whether to enable or disable analytics, based upon their organization’s guidelines. If you decide to enable analytics, you simply provide a GA4 property. Your application will report page views and events to your GA4 property.
The symptom checker app will report page views. Every page (application state or route) of the application has a corresponding url and it will be reported as an individual page view.
Our app uses matrix parameters instead of traditional query parameters. It reports urls with traditional query parameters to google analytics for the most compatibility.
The app also supports a few events for the use of features that are not indicated by a url.
Analytics Events
Select Triage Option
This event is called every time a triage option is selected.
Sign In
This event is called every time a user presses an EHR sign in button and starts a SMART on FHIR oauth sign in.
Go to EHR
This event is called when the user clicks or taps the go to ehr button to visit the patient portal.
Visit Our Website
This event is called when the user clicks or taps the visit our website button.
Send Feedback
This event is called when the user clicks or taps the Send Feedback button.
Privacy Policy
This event is called when the user clicks or taps the Privacy Policy button.
App Support
This event is called when the user clicks or taps the App Support button.
Select from Search
This event is called when the user selects a title from search results in any collection.
Cancel Search
This event is called whenever the user hits the cancel button to dismiss the search input for a search in any collection.