Checking Symptoms – the First Step of the Patient Journey

In healthcare, there is much focus on “the patient journey.” Most organizations have expanded their view to include pre-visit research and appointment seeking. We feel it starts with the first change in health status: the symptom.​

​Symptom Checker is ready the moment someone has symptoms – which can occur anytime – days, evenings, weekends.​

Our symptom care guides help your customers make appropriate decisions on what level of care is needed (if any) and how to provide symptom relief for minor illnesses and injuries they can manage on their own. If care is needed, Symptom Checker connects the user with your fulfillment options: providers, scheduling, facilities or telehealth service.​

The care guides are built from the clinical protocols use by physicians and nurses in 10,000 practices and 400 nurse advice lines in the US and Canada. These protocols have been tested for 25 years on more than 250 million symptom calls.​

Our Symptom Checker care guides are currently being utilized on hundreds of healthcare organization websites and portals, including more than 350 office websites and more than 30 mobile phone apps.

Symptom Checker New Interface Screens

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Reliable Care

We connect patients to the medical information doctors trust most. Our tools — Symptom Checker, Self Care Advice, First Aid, and Behavior Advice — provide your patients the advice they need – and help them access the right care at the right time.

Instant Advice

Our content and tools are the closest you can come to consulting your doctor or pediatrician without speaking to them. They go wherever your patients go. Peace of mind and medical decision support are instantly available.


Our Symptom Checker contains the content used by thousands of clinicians, just re-written in clear, consumer language. It’s derived from the famous Schmitt protocols – the gold standard for telephone triage.

Make it Yours

Rebrand our tools to support your eHealth program. Ensure that your patients will receive reliable expert medical information directly from you. No other Symptom Checker allows for unique customization to your brand.


Health System Implementations


System App Downloads


Practices Use Our Website Content


Website Uses
Per Year

Connect Your Care Self triage And Online Medical Advice Tools

Connect Your Care

Direct the Flow of Patients/Consumers
  • Direct users to the appropriate level of care
  • Drive traffic to your physicians, facilities and services
  • Increase portal utilization (such as MyChart, Cerner, Allscripts, etc.)
  • Promote use of your Telemedicine program
Connect Recommended Medical Actions to Your Services
  • Your ERs, UCs, clinics, or physicians
  • Your self-scheduling options or scheduling centers
Distinguish Your Organization With a Useful Consumer Tool
  • Deliver useful and usable decision-support content to your consumers, available through their mobile phone
  • Stand out as a first-class provider that cares about its customers and wants them to succeed on all levels of the healthcare journey
App Utilization Analytics
  • Track and measure usage and consumer conversion
  • Analyze the pressure points of your clients and how they need help most
  • See exactly where value is being created for your organization